We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!


Когда задали вопрос про СССР – Pеферендум 17 Мартa 1991

Уже больше 20 лет прошло с тех пор как развалился Советский Союз. И мы начинаем забывать, как хитро они хотели спасти свою вла… Over 20 years have passed already since collapse of the Soviet Union. And we begin to forget all the trickery that was used to save their pow…



You can sign PowerShell certificates with New-SelfSignedCertificate and without MakeCert

  For those who can’t wait, here is the solution right away. Next two lines actually work – without using MakeCert.exe: New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName STA07 -Type CodeSigning Set-AuthenticodeSignature C:\T\add-signature.ps1 @(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName STA07 -codesigning)[0] First command creates a certificate in your Intermediate Certification Authorities.  Second command signs the script.  Wow!  Innocent […]


Aug 14 TUE – Colosseum

  It was a late, late wake up for us this morning.  We left the hotel around 12 noon. It is still 6AM in America. We slowly retraced out steps from Sunday walk, and I even bought a paper map of Rome (€7.35).  With an international data plan on iPhone, […]

SQL Server 2008

Automate Database Backup with SQL Express

This article describes, how to automate database backup in SQL Express with mixed Windows and SQL Authentication running on Windows 2008 Server.   This material was tested with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. SQL Server 2008 Enterprise comes with Maintenance Plan feature.  That feature allows amazing flexibility and auditing.  SQL […]


Aug 13 MON – Vatican

  Today is Monday, 2012-08-13, and all attractions are closed in Rome. Today is a good day to visit Vatican. We ate breakfast across the street from our hotel in a place called “Il Lunch” (€16 – 11:42).  We are slowly gaining strength against the 6-hour time difference. Monday – […]

Finding Self

Смысл и назначение жизни

Начало Пустота по имени Ничего Раньше меня очень беспокоила пустота. Как только я ощущал пустоту в своей жизни, я сразу же бежал в библиотеку, чтобы черпать новые мысли из первоисточников, или начинал новый проект на компьютере. Однако, с каких-то пор пустота стала не ругательным словом, а убежищем. В пустоте – спасение […]

Office and IE

How to Run Malicious Software Removal Tool?

MRT Just 3 letters you need to know – MRT That is right, just type MRT.exe in you Start – Run box.  Why they hide it so deep?  Why there is no easy answer anywhere on the Internet? The program is located in %WinDir%\System32\MRT.exe Once again, to run Malicious Software […]