We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!

14 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 29 – Back to Boston

Waiting for flight to Boston

Friday, August 29 – Wien


Next day on Friday, August 29 we had only one item on our to-do list.  We wanted to buy special local treat for our coworkers back in Boston.  We easily accomplished this in a local supermarket for 2.89€ per one bag of Mozart Balls.  In the airport the same bag sold for 12€.

Car return was painless.  We drove 1,558.7 km in 11 days. Car rental turned out to be the most expensive item on our itinerary (over a $1000), since air travel was almost free.

In Paris we had a layover and had to go through a security check one more time.  We had to finish our fruits – grapes and apples and bananas in a hurry.  They even took our can of sardines that we bought in Molveno and took with us all the way to the mountains and back.

We reached Boston around 8:30PM and we were home around 9:30PM.  We had a long 3 day weekend ahead of us before going back to work.   This time we didn’t loose anything, and everything went almost exactly as planned.


3 ATM Withdrawals in Europe

Date Location Amount USD Foreign ATM Fee Amount in Euro Effective Rate
8/27/2008 ATM Withdrawal BANCA POPOLARE DI VENEZIA $438.05 $13.13 300       1.50
8/19/2008 ATM   Withdrawal RAIFFEISENBANK BISPFARRWERFEN $587.48 $17.62 400       1.51
8/14/2008 ATM Withdrawal DORNBIRNER SPARKASWIEN $594.52 $17.84 400       1.53
  Total Amount Plus Fees $1,668.64     1,100  
Total Trip to Austria and Italy 2008
Delta Free Tickets
ATM Cash
American Express
Overall Total 4,994.68
(Visited 55 times, 1 visits today)

Navigate through the List

  1. 01 European Trip 2008 to Austria and Italy – Preparations (2017/05/31)
  2. 02 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 13-14 – First Steps in Wien (2017/06/04)
  3. 03 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 15, 2008 – Wien (2017/06/08)
  4. 04 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 16, 2008 – Wien (2017/06/12)
  5. 05 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 17, 2008 – Salzburg (2017/06/16)
  6. 06 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 18, 2008 – Ice Caves (2017/06/20)
  7. 07 August 19, 2008 - Crossing Into Italy - Cortina d'Ampezzo (2017/06/24)
  8. 08 Austria and Italy – August 20-21, 2008 – Crossing the Alps (2017/06/28)
  9. 09 August 22,2008 – Back to the Wild - Rifugio Alimonta (2580m) (2017/07/01)
  10. 10 Austria and Italy – August 23-24, 2008 – Overwhelmed (2017/07/05)
  11. 11 Austria and Italy 2008 – August 25 – Venezia I (2017/07/09)
  12. 12 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 26-27 – Venezia II (2017/07/13)
  13. 13 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 28 – Back to Wien (2017/07/17)
  14. 14 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 29 – Back to Boston (2017/07/21)

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