We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!


Что можно было бы сделать, чтобы остановить развал и разорение России? (1911 – 2011)

И нам с собою даже дал половничек Один ужасно милый уголовничек. В 1937 страна шумно отмечала 100-летие со дня убийства Пушкина … На секунду взглянем на “Красное Колесо” Солженицына Том 4-ый.   Всё готово.  Сцена построена.    Все действующие лица истории по местам.   Теперь бунт в Петрограде, смещение Царя и разорение России […]


Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press (по-русски)

    English Russian Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press Учись навыкам общения с предвзятыми репортерами Debates about the unexpected victory of Donald Trump do not cease.   Let’s learn from his skills of handling the belligerent reporters. Не утихают дебаты по поводу неожиданной победы Дональда Трампа. Давайте учиться […]


How to Renew Your Driver’s License in MA

It is easy to renew your Driver’s License in Massachusetts,  if you do some preliminary work online. I just did; it is easy. Government spent some money to setup a very good Web interface to save your time. Someone made this process really painless.  And that’s what makes America so great. […]


Trump – Why no one knew?

This electoral map reflects a general expectation before the  election.  Clinton appeared to have 268 votes for sure and needed to win only 4 votes from NH r any other “gray” state. One day before the election New York Times estimated the probability on Clinton winning at 81%.   CNN estimates that […]


Trump vs. Internationalists

I started this short article to summarize Globalist ideology and why Trump is such a blow for them.  In the matter of a few hours article grew to cover these topics in no particular order: — Why Globalism is actually Westernism — What is Internationalists ideology — Why Globalists failed […]


Why so many people annoyed with Trump?

  I really would like to hear a reasonable answer.  People appear so annoyed that it is necessary to write serious articles, explaining that reasonable people can support Trump.  For example, article in Chicago Tribune: “Yes, decent people can support Donald Trump“.  Sadly, this is not a joke.  And I […]


26 Ways to Say STOP in English and Russian

I started to list all the things that I would do to stop the Spammers. Suddenly, I realize that almost every letter in English language has a word for Stop, Block or Prevent. Я начал перечислять все те вещи, которые я бы сделал, чтобы остановить Spammers. Вдруг я осознал, …



How to Cross Pemigewasset Wilderness?

I always looked at a vast green area on the New Hampshire White Mountain map and wondered, what is it in there?  It must be like a jungle in there.  No people, just quietness and tranquility and calm.  But I  could never come up with an itinerary to actually cross it.  […]