We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!

Game Results 2010-11-03 WED – Include Thanksgiving Day Game into This Season?

If we include Thursday morning November 25 game into this Wednesday season morning, the season is still on.  Otherwise, the Fall Wednesday season is over and congratulations go to an ultimate winner Ilya L. with 7 points in 5 games.  Let’s discuss this.



Weekend Games

Wednesday Games

2009 Spring Vadim L. Max
2009 Summer Ilya L.
Boris R.
2009 Fall Yurik Boris R.
Vlad T.
Vadim L.
2010 Spring Arnaud Alex Grt
2010 Summer Stas M. Erik
2010 Fall TBD

Ilya L.


2011 Spring TBD TBD

Today we played from 17:05 to 18:10 – 65 minutes.   Every minute of the game was like a basketball game.  Faster, faster, without ever looking back, trying to beat the dark.  In the begging WHITEs generously allowed one goal (Stas M.) go uncounted, due to accounting irregularities.

An important mark 4:4 was reached by 17:40.  Then it was a sudden burst of energy from DARKs and by 17:43 score jumped to 4:7 for DARKs (Nebati, Kolya P. and Isaac).

Then, game advances equal 5:8 (17:45), 6:9 (17:50) and 7:10 (17:55).

Finally, WHITEs continued to score, but stopped making mistakes in defense.  In the next 15 minutes they scored 5 goals, and the last goal of the season goes to Yura D. (preliminary).

40 people played in our 8 Wednesday games.  Here are all 40:

Nu Player Games
( 120 )
Wins Losses Goals
( 135 )
Goals per Game
01 Ilya L. 5 7 4 0.8
02 Nebati 4 5 22 5.5
03 Dr. Yurik 7 5 11 1.571
04 Josh 4 5 5 1.25
05 Amr 2 4 4 2
06 Alex Grt 8 4 13 1.625
07 Victor 5 4 7 1.4
08 Yura D. 2 4 2 1
09 Max 2 4 2 1
10 Alfred 3 3 5 1.667
11 Lesha K. 3 3 2 0.667
12 Igor Gr. 3 3 2 0.667
13 Dennis P. 3 3 1 0.333
14 Zhenia D. 3 3 0 0
15 Otar 1 2 4 4
16 Georgi 4 2 6 1.5
17 Kolya P. 1 2 1 1
18 Zhenia A. 1 2 0 0
19 Pavel K. 1 2 0 0
20 Christof 2 1 5 2.5
21 Kolia P. 2 1 3 1.5
22 Tim F. 8 1 8 1
23 Stas M. 8 1 7 0.875
24 Vadim L. 8 1 5 0.625
25 Clive 2 1 0 0
26 Lou 3 0 3 1
27 Lenia Ch. 3 0 1 0.333
28 Dennis G. 3 0 0 0
29 Richard 1 -1 3 3
30 Isaac 1 -1 2 2
31 Ruslan 1 -1 1 1
32 Pawel K. 1 -1 1 1
33 Niko 1 -1 1 1
34 Mike R. 1 -1 1 1
35 Kolia N. 1 -1 1 1
36 Mike Ph. 4 -1 1 0.25
37 Lenia G. 4 -1 1 0.25
38 Oliver 1 -1 0 0
39 Dima K. 1 -1 0 0
40 Misha P. 2 -2 0 0

Here is preliminary list of top Wednesday scores.  Please note a 5.5 average goals per game for Nebati:

Nu Player Games
( 120 )
( 135 )
Goals per Game
01 Nebati 4 5 22 5.5
02 Alex Grt 8 4 13 1.625
03 Dr. Yurik 7 5 11 1.571
04 Tim F. 8 1 8 1
05 Victor 5 4 7 1.4
06 Stas M. 8 1 7 0.875
07 Georgi 4 2 6 1.5
08 Christof 2 1 5 2.5
09 Alfred 3 3 5 1.667
10 Josh 4 5 5 1.25
11 Vadim L. 8 1 5 0.625
12 Otar 1 2 4 4
13 Amr 2 4 4 2
14 Ilya L. 5 7 4 0.8
15 Richard 1 -1 3 3
16 Kolia P. 2 1 3 1.5
17 Lou 3 0 3 1
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