We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!

Game Results 2011-11-27 SUN – New Players, New Tough Discipline

At 09:15 the teams were almost completely formed.   Teams were hand-picked by Vlad U. and Zhenia V.

The game started at 09:22.

It turns out DARKs were much much stronger.  But this advantage wasn’t obvious right away.

DARKs had a super-strong defense (Igor Sh. and Ilya T.) and totally renovated offense (Artem, Slava and  Zhenia V.)

WHITEs gained Vova M. at the last moment, but DARKs got Filip, who scored 3 goals.

New players brought an unfamiliar tough and disciplined football.  It was hard to counter.  Vladis tried to voice a legitimate concern, but it was too too late.

It was all over at  10:57.

Someone – most likely Bobby – forgot a nice blue jacket.  Please claim your property next time.

There are only 12 regulars with positive Win/Loss balance: Zhenia V. scored the last  goal, but it was taken away
from him by a mere touch of the boot.  With that goal
his Goals-Per-Game average would have been 2.625.
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 24 7 24 1
2 Cüneyt 8 6 16 2
3 Boris R. 8 4 10 1.25
4 Zhenia V. 8 3 20 2.5
5 Dr. Yurik 19 3 13 0.684
6 Max 9 3 6 0.667
7 Vlad U. 10 3 3 0.3
8 Grisha Rom. 10 2 12 1.2
9 Arnaud 9 2 2 0.222
10 Nelson 8 1 6 0.75
11 Kevin 16 1 8 0.5
12 Yura D. 8 1 4 0.5
13 Misha P. 16 -1 5 0.313
14 Ilya L. 17 -1 5 0.294
15 Zhenia A. 9 -1 1 0.111
16 Vova M. 17 -2 35 2.059
17 Alex Z. 8 -2 7 0.875
18 Victor 16 -2 8 0.5
19 Vadim L. 15 -2 2 0.133
20 Vladis Sh. 9 -3 3 0.333
21 Stas M. 9 -3 3 0.333
22 Giorgi 11 -4 18 1.636
23 Marat 11 -4 5 0.455
24 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
25 Lesha K. 8 -5 4 0.5
26 Oleg 18 -5 4 0.222
27 Lyonya G. 19 -14 9 0.474
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
2 Zhenia V. 8 3 20 2.5
3 Vova M. 17 -2 35 2.059
4 Cüneyt 8 6 16 2
5 Giorgi 11 -4 18 1.636
6 Boris R. 8 4 10 1.25
7 Grisha Rom. 10 2 12 1.2
8 Alex Grt 24 7 24 1
9 Alex Z. 8 -2 7 0.875
10 Nelson 8 1 6 0.75
11 Dr. Yurik 19 3 13 0.684
12 Max 9 3 6 0.667
13 Kevin 16 1 8 0.5
14 Yura D. 8 1 4 0.5
15 Victor 16 -2 8 0.5
16 Lesha K. 8 -5 4 0.5
17 Lyonya G. 19 -14 9 0.474
18 Marat 11 -4 5 0.455
19 Vladis Sh. 9 -3 3 0.333
20 Stas M. 9 -3 3 0.333
21 Misha P. 16 -1 5 0.313
22 Vlad U. 10 3 3 0.3
23 Ilya L. 17 -1 5 0.294
24 Arnaud 9 2 2 0.222
25 Oleg 18 -5 4 0.222
26 Vadim L. 15 -2 2 0.133
27 Zhenia A. 9 -1 1 0.111
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