Forum Replies Created
Udar Gromov
Keymaster[2017-12-07 TH]
– IE11 doesn’t display Ads on desktop devices
– Tags with “float: right’ squish forum data entry form below itUdar Gromov
Keymaster2017-10-15 SU There are several problem yet to solve with a new MH Magazine theme:
— (1) MH Magazine child theme losses all the formatting
— (2) header logo for category and all posts in that category
— (3) search to include posts and bbPress content
— (4) Meta – add date modifiedUdar Gromov
KeymasterThe real problem for this error EADDRINUSE is not the port. The real problem was the old version of NODE.JS that was not working well with all the latest version of NODEMON installed via NPM.
Udar Gromov
KeymasterThis works if you have something to import.
But how to change Photo import options if there is nothing to import?
I could not find a way to open “Import Settings” dialog directly with a shortcut. Saw I had to modify Registry settigns directly with *.REG file.
If you need to change your import location every January 1 (to change year folder), you can find you current settings at . . .
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Photo Acquisition\Camera
. . . and save them into a file. Each year on Jannuary 1 your would replace old year with a new year and merge REG fiel back into registry. Luckily this particular REG manipulation allows you to search for 2015 and replace it with 2016. Clumsy, ugly, but it works.
Not so for Word and Excel default data directories. For same reason they a recorded in HEX format in Registry – of course, for secrecy. You would use the same procedure, but you have to be much more careful and attentive. Year 2015 is recorded in registry as:
To change this number to 2016 all you need to do is to change 35 to 36. Wow!
2011/03/10 at 01:44 in reply to: Function get_date_from_gmt() returns GMT time, if called from bbPress page #2356Udar Gromov
KeymasterProblem solved using free NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 with Xdebug 2.1.0. Thank you!
All I had to do was to add one line of code to ‘bbpressmy-templatesMYfunctions.php’ file:
‘add_filter( ‘pre_option_gmt_offset’,’wp_timezone_override_offset’ );’
2011/03/09 at 04:45 in reply to: Function get_date_from_gmt() returns GMT time, if called from bbPress page #2355Udar Gromov
KeymasterA TEMP solution for this problem is to hard-coded your offset fix in
// ***** 2011-03-08 TU 23:09 Use -5, if no offset returned *****
// $string_localtime = gmdate($format, $string_time +
$myOffset = (get_option('gmt_offset'))? get_option('gmt_offset'): -5;
$string_localtime = gmdate($format, $string_time + $myOffset*3600);2011/03/09 at 03:25 in reply to: Function get_date_from_gmt() returns GMT time, if called from bbPress page #2354Udar Gromov
KeymasterI started to dig dipper. Function depends on GMT offset returned by get_option(‘gmt_offset’). When called from bbPress this function returns nothing. As a result get_date_from_gmt() always returns GMT time.
Here is a chart:
function get_date_from_gmt() is in wp-includesformatting.php
function get_option() is in wp-includesfunctions.php
Udar Gromov
KeymasterBad news – little was fixed in a new release.
Still the same:
– search by Forum doesn’t filter and
– Relevant posts links still pointing to an generic page (topic.php#post-)
– `<il>’ still kills topic formatting in IE
What is now working:
– Trying to find any documentation on what was actually fixed in this release? [19:22]
– Menu at the bottom of “topic.php” is no longer wrapping – Fixed
Udar Gromov
KeymasterMy Current Problems with bbPress are:
– Relevant Links in search results are broken
– Search by Forum is not filtering
– get_date_from_gmt() always return GMT time if called from bbPress
– Clarify error message, if Topic Title is blank
– tags
are ruining page format in IEUdar Gromov
KeymasterJust fixed this problem for you.
There is even an article on how to fix these type of problem in the future:
Udar Gromov
KeymasterI found a different solution.
Instead of fighting with this option over and over again, you can create a Digital Certificate for VBA and share it Between Several PC(s).
I just finished an article here, and tested it on Windows 7 and Windows XP.
Udar Gromov
KeymasterSolution: Add an “Exit” button to your QAT in Excel.
QAT is Quick Access Toolbar. It is located in the upper left corner of Excel window, and contains your favorite one-click operations.
“Exit” button looks like an over-sized letter X.
If you click this button instead of application X in the upper right corner, you will close Excel in one click.
Udar Gromov
Both WEB03 and AMAZON sites are working. Finding some small problems and errors:
(01) FAVICON.ICO doesn’t work because of type forwarding. This will be fixed in a few days, when we are back to DNS record.
(02) bbPress header loading jquery.js from – will be fixed next week.
Udar Gromov
KeymasterProblem with W2K8 R2 is that it only gives 10 days to activate in manual and 3 day to activate in automatic mode.
Udar Gromov
KeymasterSolution Found:
Remark out line
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../wp-load.php');
from ‘bb-config.php’
Activate a plugin.
Reactivate the line.