We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!


Movng WordPress Site to a W2K8 Server and IIS7

If you like to be in control of all your servers, you would love the gentle nature of WordPress installation.  Installation includes PHP,  MySQL  and  WordPress components.  All steps can be done manually.  Instead of running install, you can just copy files and directories, and make manual configurations adjustments.  It […]

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Can I Clean Old Versions of the Same Post?

Question: Each time I modify a POST, a copy of old POST is created and saved. Can I control, how many old posts to retain? Can I clean all old posts? Answer: Yes! You can stop collecting old versions of the posts by adding this line to your wp-config.php file: define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, […]

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MySQL on Windows – Questions Answered

  I just installed WordPress with MySQL.  I am familiar with all the intricacies of SQL Query.  I am asking from MS SQL Admin point of view.  These questions from a person who never saw MySQL before:   – Where DB files are located?    – See other post – Is DB backup available and […]