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07-14 From Albi to Toulouse and to Auch (Monday, July 14 2014)

07-14 From Albi to Toulouse



– Start from Albi on a large highway towards Toulouse

– Very special vegan lunch from2 to 3 PM

– Continue to Gascony – city of Auch

– French fireworks


Monday, July 14

Hour by Hour


[13 vs. 11]  11:27 – pay hotel bill AmEx at Albi (€70.70)

Had to return a knife borrowed from previous nights

Toll paid €1.40 on the way to Toulouse

13:00 found a free parking in Toulouse

14:06 – called vegan place from Tourist Information center

15:30 – lunch at vegan place in Toulouse

18:08 – First gas stop – Gasole – €86 cash ­­­­in exchange for nice lady credit card payment

19:00 – pay hotel bill at Auch (€58)


<!- Three Columns ->

IMAGE 01 07-14 20:47 Auch - Place de la Liberation IMAGE 03
TEXT 01 Evening light was doing wonders.  One of the main squares in from of the Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d’Auch (one tower visible on the background) TEXT 03


22:11  – ATM €500

(Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)

Navigate through the List

  1. 07-04 First Steps in Paris (Friday, July 4, 2014) (2014/07/04)
  2. 07-05 Paris - View from a sharp angle (July 5-6, 2014) (2014/07/05)
  3. 07-07 Paris - Père Lachaise and Saint Denis (July 7-8, 2014) (2014/07/07)
  4. 07-09 From Paris to Beaugency [bo:zhensi:] (Wednesday, July 09, 2014) (2014/07/09)
  5. 07-10 Beaugency to Uzerche (Thursday, July 10, 2014) (2014/07/10)
  6. 07-11 Uzerche to Montignac and to Sarlat (Friday, July 11, 2014) (2014/07/11)
  7. 07-12 Sarlat, Rocamadour, Figeac and Bouziès (Saturday, July 12, 2014) (2014/07/12)
  8. 07-13 From Bouziès to Albi (Sunday, July 13 2014) (2014/07/13)
  9. 07-14 From Albi to Toulouse and to Auch (Monday, July 14 2014) (2014/07/14)
  10. 07-15 From Auch to Lupiac (birthplace of D'Artagnan) to Tabres (2014/07/15)
  11. 07-16 From Tabres into Spain and Pyrenees (2014/07/16)
  12. 07-17 Reaching for the highest point in Pyrenees (2014/07/17)
  13. 07-18 Monastery in Yesa, Navarra (Spain) (2014/07/18)
  14. 07-19 Back to France - Busy Biarritz (2014/07/19)
  15. 07-20 SUN - Bordeaux - city with large squares (2014/07/20)

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