We won again!

Great victory for the People - Tax Cut!

01 Game Results 2012-01-02 MON
Bobby Shines plus Fall Season Roundup

We started at 09:46.  19 people found their way to the green field for the first game of the Spring-2012 season.  We had a lot of first-timers today.  And everybody loved the field.

Online Marat asked for directions at 12AM.   Nelson very tenderly replied at 7AM.  But neither Marat nor Nelson made it.  Strange?

But let’s first reminisce the TOTALS for the newly departed Fall-2011 season.

By Games
10 Most Visible on the Field
By Goals
10 Most Scoring
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 32 8 36 1.125
2 Lyonya G. 25 -18 11 0.44
3 Dr. Yurik 24 2 16 0.667
4 Oleg 23 -8 6 0.261
5 Misha P. 22 -1 6 0.273
6 Vadim L. 22 4 4 0.182
7 Vova M. 21 -3 43 2.048
8 Kevin 21 -3 11 0.524
9 Victor 19 -1 10 0.526
10 Ilya L. 19 -1 7 0.368
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Vova M. 21 -3 43 2.048
2 Alex Grt 32 8 36 1.125
3 Zhenia V. 9 2 23 2.556
4 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
5 Cüneyt 12 6 23 1.917
6 Giorgi 11 -4 18 1.636
7 Dr. Yurik 24 2 16 0.667
8 Boris R. 14 6 15 1.071
9 Andres 10 0 14 1.4
10 Ruslan 8 -1 13 1.625


By Goals-Per-Games
12 Most Likely to Score
By Wins-Per-Game
12 Most Likely to Win
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Zhenia V. 9 2 23 2.556
2 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
3 Vova M. 21 -3 43 2.048
4 Cüneyt 12 6 23 1.917
5 Giorgi 11 -4 18 1.636
6 Ruslan 8 -1 13 1.625
7 Andres 10 0 14 1.4
8 Abdool 8 0 11 1.375
9 Alex Grt 32 8 36 1.125
10 Grisha Rom. 11 3 12 1.091
11 Boris R. 14 6 15 1.071
12 Christof 8 4 8 1
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Wins per Game
1 Yakov 11 6 2 0.54545
2 Cüneyt 12 6 23 0.50000
3 Christof 8 4 8 0.50000
4 Boris R. 14 6 15 0.42857
5 Max 9 3 6 0.33333
6 Arnaud 10 3 2 0.30000
7 Grisha Rom. 11 3 12 0.27273
8 Alex Grt 32 8 36 0.25000
9 Vlad U. 12 3 7 0.25000
10 Zhenia V. 9 2 23 0.22222
11 Vadim L. 22 4 4 0.18182
12 Vlad T. 8 1 3 0.12500


Finally, The season Winners
Win-Loss Indicator
Top 16
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 32 8 36 1.125
2 Cüneyt 12 6 23 1.917
3 Boris R. 14 6 15 1.071
4 Yakov 11 6 2 0.182
5 Christof 8 4 8 1
6 Vadim L. 22 4 4 0.182
7 Grisha Rom. 11 3 12 1.091
8 Max 9 3 6 0.667
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
9 Vlad U. 12 3 7 0.583
10 Arnaud 10 3 2 0.584
11 Zhenia V. 9 2 23 0.585
12 Dr. Yurik 24 2 16 0.586
13 Nelson 12 1 10 0.833
14 Matt 10 1 6 0.6
15 Yura D. 10 1 5 0.5
16 Vlad T. 8 1 3 0.375

Ok.  What about today’s game?  Today Alex Grt and Lyonya G. were picking teams, and WHITEs got a strong offensive squad, with Eddy, and Giorgi and Victor upfront.  DARKs got a more defensive team with KevinMattErick holding the fort.


By picking first, WHITEs got 10, and DARKs got 9 players. For the first 50 minutes or so of the game WHITEs are dominating and leading 3:1.  Bobby terrorizing the defense, and scoring fine goals.

We love fairness.  In the name of fairness at 10:37 Alex Grt switches for DARKs.  Only one player out of 19, but DARKs gain confidence, stabilize defense, and begin to score.  First DARKs  tie 3:3 (by 10:56) and later even build a solid 2 points lead.  It is 3:5 by 11:02, with 2 very important goals by Zhenia D.

However, Zhenia D. had to leave at 11:06 due to an injury.  For about 20 minutes we have a 9-on-9 fight.  WHITEs begin to return to their glory.  It is 5:5 by 11:12.   But who will prevail?

Finally Bobby – the star of the game today – leaps through several defense-men and sends a low one into the net.  It is done.

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1 Comment

  1. Nice game today
    Hey, how about we change a couple of things in new year?
    First, let’s forget seasons and you put together the whole year totals.
    Also, adding assists (primary only) to goals. That may make for more passes…

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